luni, 14 aprilie 2008

knowledge test :))

asta este testul pe care l-a completat un nene care a venit la noi la interviu. nu dau nume ca nu-i frumos

A Technical ability computers - general

1) Do you have a PC at home
0 Yes
0 No

2) If yes, what purposes do you use it most for?
0 Wordprocessing
0 Games
0 Programming
0 Building in devices
0 Internet
0 Other, namely……..

3) If yes, do you solve hard- and softwareproblems yourself?
0 Yes
0 No

4) Have you ever worked professionally with computers?
0 Yes, for wordprocessing / data input
0 Yes, for technical support
0 Yes, for programming
0 No

B Technical ability computers - Windows

5) Which versions of Windows or other operating systems are you familiar with?
Ad home i have Windows XP.I worked with Windows 98 in my old job.

6) In Windows 98, how would you copy a file to a floppy disk?
Its very simple, i use "copy" and "paste" or can accesing with (Ctrl C and then Ctrl V).

7) How would you make new hardware known to Windows 98?
Can make new hardware with one simple instalation.You must insert CD for instalation in wrighter!


8) Can you mention some icons in the control panel of Windows 98?
In control panel is only specifical icons for this version Windows 98.Exemple:Sound and Audio devices,Add Hardware,Add or Remuve Programs,etc.

9) Describe how you would change the settings of your display from 256 to 16-bit colors
It's simple: click right on desktop,Properties,Settings and then you must move the cursor ad left in Screen resolution.

10) You want to uninstall an application from the PC, how would you do this?
You must go in Control panel,Add or Remuve Programs,Change/Remouve.

11) How would you upgrade the driver for your soundcard?
If you dont have cd for instalation you can upgradeiting on internet accesing official site.

12) How would you add a new icon to the program folder in the start menu?
Click left on Start then right on blue bar Properties.


13) Where would you put the command to start the register editor, and which command
would it be?

14) In Windows NT, where would you check whether the modem is correctly installed?
Control Panel and then Add Hardware.

C Technical ability computers - Hardware

15) Where can you change the bootsequence of your PC?
In Bios ad begining, wen the computer start on.

16) Which operating systems are USB compatible?
Hardwere Version 2.1

17) On starting up the PC you get the message "invalid system disk". What is your next
I put in CD with Windows or i verify the Hard disc or i verify Boot sistem in Bios.

18) On starting the PC you get the message "check signal cable". What is your next
I verify the Cable ad Monitor.I change this cable if is broke.

19) If you have a Piii450Mhz. What does the 450 Mhz indicate?
Frecvency for Frames.

20) Where can you check that your modem is correctly plugged into the slot of your
In Control Panels.

21) You want to add more memory to your system. How would you do this?
I change the memory cards(memory board) with another for exemple 2/512M/ram= 1G/ram

22) Describe how you partition your hard drive
With one program "Magic Partition"

23) You're using Windows 98, would you use FAT16, FAT32 or NTSF as file system for your hard drive?

24) You forgot your BIOS password. What can you do to make the PC boot properly
I restart BIOS.Take for 2 minute the Bios batery.

D Support

25) A client calls you and says he can't print. What would you do to help him/her?
I must indicate the steps for printing:
Click on icon for Printer or fast comands "Ctrl P"

26) After analyzing a question you haven't got a clue what the answer could be. What would you tell the client?
The steps for one solutions.

27) A client gets very impatient or even angry with you because his problem is not easily solved. How would you handle this situation?
With much profesionality widhout angry,with paciently.

28) A client calls for a broken video card, but his guarantee has expired two days before.
The client demands his video card is replaced. How would you handle this?

29) In a previous conversation your colleague has given the client a completely wrong answer. The client starts to complain about this colleague. What would your answer be to this client?
I dont speek with this client about my collegue, i giv the corect answer.

30) A client asks your technical question which you do not have to support. Would you answer the question? Motivate please.
In this moment we dont haven this information because is a new softwer.I serch this information early and if dont find ,i pass this call ad my superior for finalisation.

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

me likes it veri muci is fuching hiloroiaus ! tencs 4 putting it out ! :)))))

Anonim spunea...

its ol sou veri simple :))

Gaelex spunea...

Ce e misto e faptul ca raspunsurile in prima parte sunt destul de corecte, de abia mai incolo incepe sa o ia pe miriste.